Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Michelle Flaherty

This red-headed band geek is responsible for what is probably the most famous line of the entire franchise, a line so deeply great that it inspired an entire movie. "And this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my p#ssy." All of America's jaws dropped when that innocent little mouth released such funk. She sleeps with Jim because she knows that he's an easy catch, but makes him wear two condoms to defray his little hair-trigger problem. Even though she ditches him in bed the next morning, the two eventually pursue a relationship after Jim turns down the bodacious Nadia for her and end up getting married. She never loses sight of her freak nasty side, giving Jim a mouth massage under the table when he's trying to propose to her. Her sister Cadence ends up being the focus of a tense triangle involving Paul Finch and Steve Stifler at their wedding.

"This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my..."

"I don't know. I just call it boning."

"I just shoved a trumpet in your ass. Aren't instruments fun?"

"No, you dingbat. You don't just go groping away. You gotta pre-heat the oven before you stick in the turkey."

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